“Cosas de Casa” – A Whimsical Journey Through Everyday Objects in Poetry

Greetings, poetry enthusiasts and Spanish language lovers! I am thrilled to introduce my latest creation, “Cosas de Casa,” a poetic collection that transforms everyday objects into characters with enchanting tales. This work not only aims to entertain but also provides a fun and comprehensible way for novice mid and intermediate students to learn Spanish.

Discovering the Extraordinary in the Ordinary

“Cosas de Casa” invites you on a unique exploration of 24 poems, each dedicated to a common household item. The concept is simple yet powerful: breathe life into everyday objects and tell their stories through poetry. Every poem follows a clear narrative structure, featuring an introduction, a problem, and a resolution, turning them into delightful poetic short stories.

The Charm of Short Stories in Poetic Form

What sets “Cosas de Casa” apart is that each poem is a brief story, a glimpse into the lives of objects that surround us daily. From the coffee cup to the sofa, each element possesses its own personality and undergoes unique experiences. This approach establishes an emotional connection to the language, making the learning experience more engaging and memorable.

Perfect for Novice Mid and Intermediate Students

The book is specifically designed for novice mid and intermediate students, providing a unique opportunity to dive into the Spanish language in an enjoyable and accessible manner. The poems are predominantly written in the present tense for easy comprehension, featuring rhymes based on infinitives and the use of many cognates to reinforce familiarity with the language.

A Glimpse of What Awaits You

To give you a taste of what you’ll find in “Cosas de Casa,” here are snippet two of the poems:

El foco

El cuchillo

In “Cosas de Casa,” you’ll discover poetry in unexpected places. This book offers a playful and effective way to learn Spanish while immersing yourself in the lives of familiar objects. Whether lounging in your favorite chair or sipping a cup of tea, these poems will transform the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Here is the list of poems:

Cosas de casa index

Get Cosas de Casa HERE or with any of your favorite CI literature distributors.

Watch the presentation of Cosas de Casa:

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