SEL in the Spanish Classroom Welcoming Thanksgiving through the song “Gracias a la Vida”

As the crisp air heralds the arrival of Thanksgiving, the Spanish classroom transforms into a space for more than just linguistic exploration. Amid the conjugations and vocabulary, there lies an opportunity to delve into the realm of social-emotional learning (SEL). Mercedes Sosa’s rendition of “Gracias a la Vida” provides an extraordinary avenue for Spanish learners to connect with their emotions, culture, and each other during this season of gratitude. In this blog post, we will explore the unique role of “Gracias a la Vida” in fostering SEL in the Spanish class.

Mercedes Sosa’s voice, like a gentle breeze carrying tales of resilience and hope, has the power to evoke a myriad of emotions. Born in Argentina during a tumultuous period, Sosa became not only a musical icon but a symbol of emotional expression and social consciousness. Her ability to infuse emotions into her songs, particularly “Gracias a la Vida,” makes it an invaluable tool for nurturing the emotional intelligence of Spanish learners.

One of the cornerstones of SEL is the ability to identify and articulate emotions. “Gracias a la Vida” provides students with a rich tapestry of emotional vocabulary, allowing them to explore and express feelings in Spanish. From the profound gratitude expressed in the lyrics to the melodic resonance of Sosa’s voice, students can connect with their own emotions and those conveyed in the song.

Lesson Title: “Exploring Gratitude with ‘Gracias a la Vida'” (Novice mid and up)


To introduce novice-level Spanish learners to the concept of gratitude and emotions through the song “Gracias a la Vida” by Violeta Parra, fostering a sense of appreciation for their own lives.

Materials Needed:

Lyrics to “Gracias a la Vida” by Violeta Parra.

Audio or video recording of the song.

Visual aids (pictures representing emotions, simple vocabulary flashcards).

Whiteboard or flip chart for vocabulary.

Lesson Outline:

1. Introduction (10 minutes):

Begin by discussing the concept of gratitude in simple terms. Ask students what they are thankful for in their own lives, using English or basic Spanish phrases.

Introduce the song “Gracias a la Vida” and Mercedes Sosa briefly, emphasizing the idea of being thankful for life.

2. Vocabulary Introduction (15 minutes):

Introduce basic vocabulary related to emotions and gratitude using visual aids and flashcards. Include words like “feliz” (happy), “triste” (sad), and “agradecido/a” (thankful).

Connect these words to simple expressions, encouraging students to repeat after you.

3. Listening Activity (15 minutes):

Play a short excerpt of the song for students. Ask them to listen for words related to emotions and gratitude.

Discuss what they heard, reinforcing the connection between the song’s themes and the introduced vocabulary.

4. Gratitude Circle (15 minutes):

Form a circle and have each student share one thing they are thankful for in Spanish. Provide sentence starters like “Estoy agradecido/a por…” (I am thankful for…) to support novice-level language use.

Encourage positive reinforcement from peers by nodding or saying “¡Bien hecho!” (Well done!) after each sharing.

5. Vocabulary Reinforcement (10 minutes):

Use the whiteboard or flip chart to review and reinforce the vocabulary introduced during the lesson. Encourage students to say the words out loud as you point to them.

6. Simple Sentences Activity (20 minutes):

Distribute paper and ask students to write simple sentences expressing gratitude for things in their lives. Provide sentence frames like “Estoy feliz porque…” (I am happy because…) or “Me gusta…” (I like…).

Allow them to share their sentences with a partner or with the class if they feel comfortable.

7. Song Reflection (10 minutes):

Discuss as a class how the song made them feel and how it connects to their own expressions of gratitude. Encourage students to use the vocabulary introduced during the lesson.

8. Gratitude Art (Optional, 15 minutes):

For a creative activity, provide materials for students to create a simple piece of art expressing something they are thankful for. This could be a drawing or a collage.

9. Closing (10 minutes):

Review key phrases and expressions related to gratitude. Encourage students to express appreciation for their classmates’ contributions during the lesson.

End with a positive affirmation, such as “Hoy aprendimos sobre agradecimiento. ¡Estoy agradecido/a por ustedes!” (Today we learned about gratitude. I am thankful for all of you!)

10. Follow-Up (Next Class):

Start the next class with a brief recap of the previous lesson. Encourage students to share one thing they are thankful for that day in Spanish.

This novice-level lesson centered around “Gracias a la Vida” aims to create a positive and supportive environment for students to express gratitude in Spanish, fostering a sense of appreciation for their own lives. ¡Gracias a la vida, que nos ha dado tanto! (Thanks to life, which has given us so much!)

Gracias A La Vida

Gracias a la vida que me ha dado tanto
Me dio dos luceros, que cuando los abro
Perfecto distingo lo negro del blanco
Y en el alto cielo su fondo estrellado
Y en las multitudes la hombre que yo amo

Gracias a la vida que me ha dado tanto
Me ha dado el sonido y el abecedario
Con él las palabras que pienso y declaro
Madre, amigo, hermano y luz alumbrando
La ruta del alma del que estoy amando

Gracias a la vida que me ha dado tanto
Me ha dado el oído que en todo su ancho
Graba noche y día, grillos y canarios
Martillos, turbinas, ladridos, chubascos
Y la voz tan tierna de mi bien amado

Gracias a la vida que me ha dado tanto
Me ha dado la marcha de mis pies cansados
Con ellos anduve ciudades y charcos
Playas y desiertos, montañas y llanos
Y la casa tuya, tu calle y tu patio

Gracias a la vida que me ha dado tanto
Me ha dado la risa y me ha dado el llanto
Así yo distingo dicha de quebranto
Los dos materiales que forman mi canto
Y el canto de ustedes que es mi propio canto
Gracias a la vida que me ha dado tanto

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  1. Estimado Diego,
    Yo doy “Gracias a la vida” por haber encontrado a un maestro como usted que me motiva para ser lo mejor que puedo con mis estudiantes. Gracias por todos sus webinarios y lecciones que comparte con todos nosotros.

    Con gratitud,

    Ana Martinez

    Liked by 1 person

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